Thursday, December 17, 2009


Well, I know that it's been a while since I have written on here but I thought I would up date you on some things that have been going on in my life. Well there has been so much going on it's hard to know which way is up. There has been lots of drama, test, and self discovery. Throughout it all I have grown and seen a different side to people that I didn't ever think that would be there.

First let me start by talking about the drama. There is a lot of it going around. Well it's the last week of school before Christmas Break and people have to move rooms before they leave. We had two people who were moving out of our apartment and two that where moving in. And my old roommates didn't know when they could move there things over to there new room before they left for brake. So last weekend the new roommates were moving there stuff over thinking they where going to move in sooner then they thought. But through it all my one of my old roommate keep getting mad because we kept asking her when she was moving out. Personally I think that asking is better then not knowing. I was really up set with her and now understand why I hate living with other girls. I really enjoyed living with the boys that I have lived with in my life even tho they are messy at least you know how they feel about things.

As I said before that there were test to end the semester which is always good to think that it's almost over. I am done with all my test and really looking forward to going home and seeing my family. It's going to be an interesting road trip with people I don't normally spend that much time with. It will be very very interesting.

Since the last time that we talked I had a sophomore review; which is pretty much is a review to know how your doing with school work and other things. I am trying to become a photographer which doesn't seem as easy as I thought it would be. I showed my work thinking that I did a great job and that I would finally pass after already doing it once. Well it ended up that I was wrong and that I need to do a little more research in to photography. So I bought this great book called The Photo Book by Phaidon. It has 500 photographers and photos of there work.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Volleyball & Another Book

Ok I know, its been awhile but its just been so busy around here. I am not even sure I know what day it is half the time. But on a Better note I did two things this week that I have really enjoyed, Volleyball and Finishing yet another book. Time seems to be going by so quickly in the last couple of months. If its not one thing its another. There is a lot of drama going on. But other then that everything have been going great.

So volleyball has started this week and we have played two games. We won one and lost the other. I did realize how much fun it is to play a sport. Even tho I am not that good at it is seems that things are going quite well. I am just enjoying the game. There has been a lot of drama about what and how we play the game. But there is not a lot of us that actually play the game. I think we need to learn as a club how to treat each other, how to show up on time for thing, and just be supportive. There is just so much negative in this world that we do not need to be treating our club sisters like that.

The book I have been reading made me up set last night because of how it ended. I am just hoping that she writes yet another one so that I can see what happened. It's like we read all these books just to see how it ended then it never seems to end at all. The book is by one of my favorite authors, Lynsay Sands. She writes all different types of romance novels but I just like her vampire series that she does. I am not to big on historical stuff. But the series I have been reading is like 12 books long. Yeah, I know that every story seems the same and that I already know what going to happen but I like the mystery that comes along with the love story. So I was reading her newest vampire book called The Renegade Hunter. Its very good and would recommend it to mature audiences only. There is things in Sands books that are not appropriate for younger audiences.

I hope that everyones November is going well. Happy Vet day to all those Vets out there serving and not severing our country right now.

Friday, October 30, 2009

The Crazy Nightmare

So, last night I went to an amazing show in Germantown Performing Arts Center, Memphis Tennessee. It was an Opera called Cosi Fan Tutti by Mozart. That says a lot right there. I would like to recommend this to anyone that likes comedy. I honestly think that Mozart had a good sense of humor. It almost wonder if Mozart had a sick sense of humor but I don't think I'll ever know. Here is a little something I found on YouTube.

Well after we left the show we headed home it was all good getting out of Memphis was good until we got to West Memphis. As we were driving there were some people that standing on the side of the road they tried to cross the high way like there was no car coming. It scared the crap out of me and everyone in the car. It was a very strange thing. But we still kept moving on with the long drive back home. Well as we got off the freeway the truck in front of us didn't get all the way over and was driving down the wrong way. It was almost a head on collision. That is when we decided to stop and get some gas before we hit the road again. We did everything we need to do. Then we got in the car and was ready to go but the car wouldn't start. It was like the icing on the cake. We had a guy with a little car try and start it but then a guy who we shall call an angle. Came in his big truck and save us.

On the way home we ran in to some heavy rain. The car wasn't exactly running right. The lights would dim and get strong again. I am not to sure what is exactly wrong with it but I know that my friend isn't to happy about it.

What can I do?

Monday, October 26, 2009

The Host by Stephenie Meyer

On a personal note:
I have been very busy and very stressed out. I have also been wanting to write but I knew that it would be something that was not happy Post and I want to be happy as possible. There is a lot going on with school, club, work and church. Some times I don't know how I keep my head on straight some times.

So I have been reading this book call The Host by Stephenie Meyer. I have read it before and really was confused about it so I really wanted to read it again. But I seem to do that a lot with this author.. She just seems to pull me in and take me to another place. Its the best get away from life author.

Well this book is about a soul that gets put in to the body of a rebel who really trying to save the human race. The soul finds that she really enjoys earth and all the emotions that come with the human race. While the soul is trying to get along with life she hears the hosts mind speak to her. It is a whorl wind story that keeps you on your toes. It makes you ask then question what would it be like to be trapped in your own body with out control.

I would recommend this to anyone that wants to step out side of their world and take a trip to another time.

Monday, October 12, 2009

some times you just need to write

Today has been very disappointing because I thought I would have friends that would tell me if they where going to change my design. I feel that my art is every personal and don't know if others understand that. Art is little pieces of me that I share with others, just like this blog. I put a lot of heart and soul in to the things I do. I know that people may not always like what I do but I would like them to at least tell me that they are going to change something I did or even get back to me if they would like me to change it. I really want to feel that my art is worth the time I put into it.

I don't want this hole post be about me being upset. Here is a song that always makes my day just a little brighter. I hope that It can make your day brighter too...

So, as I mentioned before art is a big part of my life. I decided a long time ago that I wanted to do something in the art field. My brother asked me when I was in sixth grade if I would do anything with the doodles that covered my note books. That was the first time I ever thought about being an artist. I never new everything that went into it. Its something that a person has to grow into. I started it all off as an interior design major but began to think that I didn't want a focused degree and that I really enjoy just doing art. But it was hard for me to change from a very structured degree to something that was a little more forgiving.

I am really excited that I am almost done with degree in Art. I am actually thinking about getting my masters. I know that that is something that might not happen right away because of the way the economy is right now. It has been really hard on me to get the finical aid that I need to cover the school that I have been getting. I really just need to start paying things back and working on buying the things I need for my masters. I would like to get my masters in Photography. I really enjoy it and find that I can frame the world and show people what I see.

Mamma Mia

So since the last time I wrote, I have done some pretty cool things. For example I went an seen Mamma Mia the Broadway play, made a square ceramic vase, and of corse had a dinner party wish some of my church friends.

Mamma Mia was my first Broadway play and I would like to say that is was fun. I have always been interested in Plays and Musicals. When I was younger my Nana took me to lots of different plays and from that I learned to love them. I have so much respect for the people that act and direct. There is just so much that goes on behind that. Some times I think that if I had a better memory that maybe I would of been an actor or something.

I do think the play is better then the movie. The play has a totally different story then the movie which I find quite funny. But the Play all together has a better feeling. I'm not sure if thats because it was live and not on a TV screen or if it was just better. I am not to sure. But I know for sure that I would like to be able to go to more plays and musicals in the future. I think thats a part of me that I will always have something so engrained in me that is something thats hard to get rid of. But its something that I am glad I have because there are talented people out there that can do it every night and just get better then they were before.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Mac vs. PC

Well me and my friends where discussing what is better PC or a Mac. Personally I like Mac's better. There is just something about them that make me happier when I'm on a Mac. It doesn't help that I started out on a mac. So what do you think?


Colossions 2:6-15
As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the lord, continue to live your life in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, a bounding in thanksgiving.

See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to Christ. For him the whole fullness of deity, dwells bodily, and you have come to fullness in him who is the head of every ruler and authority. In him also you were circumcised with a spiritual circumcision by putting off the body of the flesh in the circumcisions of christ when you where buried with him in baptism, you were also raised with him through faith in the power of God, who raised him from the dead. And when you were dead in trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive together with him when he forgave us all our trespasses erasing the record that stood against us with its legal demands. he set this aside, nailing it to the cross he disarmed the rulers and authorities and made public example of them, trumping over them with it.

This is something I must memorize but I really don't understand what it means I know that its talking about how God saved us by letting his son die for us but I don't understand how it applies to me. What do you think?