So I also wanted to keep everyone updated on the projects that I have been working on. I had to stop doing one because I found out that I am allergic to wool. It is really sad because they come in some of the most beautiful colors. With acrylics there really isn’t much verity in color. It also makes some projects a little cheap looking with some of the acrylic yarns. What I need to do is find a place that sells acrylics in such cool colors. I don’t know if it’s the artist in me or if I just like brighter colors. I like taking risk with color to create the most amazing palate.
So now I am going to find a way to use all this old yarn that I have laying around to make something cool. I just need to find some good Ideas for project. Or maybe it’s just time to start finishing what I have already started. I just sometimes find it hard to finish things but I guess it is time to start somewhere.
On another note I have found that I am really good at doing cable knitting. It is something that looks like it takes a lot of work to understand and do. But in all reality it is not very hard. I am working on my second project and there is a lot more cable in this project then when my first project. I would like to see if I could possibly learn new ways of doing cable. I am always up for learning new things.
So if anyone has any ideas on cable projects let me know. I would really like the challenge.